Live to Pin

Pintrest is the fastest growing social network ever. It has a very strong female following - currently over 70%  - and while exploring how our clients can use Pinterest to be more useful I discovered Christina Martinez.

Christina is a fashion blogger from California and is currently the 4th most followed person on Pinterest with nearly 1,000,000 followers.

Fashion label Calypso has seen her influence in the social sphere and wants a share of Christina’s audience. Calypso is flying her from California to the Caribbean to ‘Live Pin’ a Calypso photoshoot for the label’s 2012 summer look book. How cool, I’d be up for that! She’ll be at the shoot pinning photos she likes and sharing them with her loyal followers.

Calypso feels that what she pins is on-brand and wants a share of referral traffic from people who follow Christina.

Which takes me back to how this could be useful for our clients - I wonder what things you do as a company can be live pinned, or who is on pinterest creating boards that reflect your brand? Could these people also give you an indication on future directions/ideas for your brand? How can you utilise this information? I guess the answer for now is to get on and find out. Such an interesting concept and one I’m going to keep my eyes pinned on.

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Move the needle! Move the needle!

Moving the needle speaks to our deeply held desire to do work that makes a difference — to our client’s world, the way they do business and their bottom line.

Surfing girl